Don’t call it a comeback

Turning an old Super 8 film viewer into a small desktop terminal for viewing video online.

Before: Hanimex film E300 editor (circa 1970)


After: Boostbox 0.1

github notes

Drawing of a Hanimex E300 film viewer converted into the VEEB Boostbox 0.1

A small computer (running GNU/Linux) that uses a command line YouTube browser to make it capable of playing a billion or so videos. Sound via the built-in speaker or bluetooth.

There’s a video of the finished terminal running on the video below.

And because some nice people at r/retrofuturism asked for a clean photo of it to use as a wallpaper, here’s a downloadable clean version of the YouTube thumbnail.


Fireworks banned? Hold my beer


“Sorry this letter is so long, I didn’t have time to write a short one”